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Generator Maintenance Checklist

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What's in the Generator Maintenance Checklist?

Is the generator clean and free from debris?Pass/Fail
Are fuel levels sufficient for operation?Pass/Fail
Has the oil level been checked and topped up if necessary?Pass/Fail
Are all cables and connections secure and undamaged?Pass/Fail
Are there any visible signs of wear or corrosion on components?Pass/Fail
Is the battery fully charged and in good condition?Pass/Fail
Have all air filters been inspected and cleaned or replaced?Pass/Fail
Has the coolant level been checked and topped up?Pass/Fail
Are the exhaust system and ventilation clear of obstructions?Pass/Fail
Has the generator been tested for proper operation and load capacity?Pass/Fail

Get the Printable Generator Maintenance Checklist:


This printable Generator Maintenance Checklist is provided free by WorkSignals.

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