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Take 5 Checklist

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What's in the Take 5 Checklist?

Am I clear on what the task is?Yes/No
Do I have the required skills, training, and licenses for the task?Yes/No
Have I checked the JSA/JHA/SWMS/procedures for the task?Yes/No
Is all my equipment and tools correct and in good order?Yes/No
Do I have the necessary permits for the task?Yes/No
Do I have the correct personal protective equipment?Yes/No
Manual Handling (e.g. Lifting, awkward positions, impacts, over-exertion)Yes/No
Gravity (e.g. Slips, trips and falls and struck by falling objects)Yes/No
Mechanical (e.g. Caught in moving parts, struck by plant or flying objects)Yes/No
Electrical (e.g. Electrocution from faulty tools or working close to live power)Yes/No
Chemical (e.g. Inhaling, swallowing or touching acid, solvents)Yes/No
Pressure (e.g. Contact with highly pressurised fluid/gas or air)Yes/No
Exposure (e.g. to noise, dust, fumes, chemicals, asbestos or extreme weather)Yes/No
Biological (e.g. Contracting diseases e.g. Hepatitis and Legionnaires)Yes/No
Radiation (e.g. Exposure to radiation such as x-rays, sunlight or ultra-violet)Yes/No
Psychological (e.g. Stress, violence, fatigue, depression)Yes/No
Other Hazards (e.g. Silica, asphyxiation)Yes/No
Risks understood and worked out?Yes/No
SWMS completed for risks identified?Yes/No
Safe to proceed?Yes/No

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